Sunday, March 22, 2009


This is the cemetery I hopped into.
The street had no entrance to the cemetery across the street from my house. So, I walked into some one's back yard and scaled the 9' or so wall to get a pick of the cemetery. Unfortunately, it had been raining cats and dogs (or neko and Inu) all day and when I jumped down I got stuck in the mud to my ankles and fell square on my ass in a huge mud puddle. It was so funny!

To the left is the side street where I trespassed to get to the cemetery.

The proper entrance to the cemetery behind my house. I previously thought it was a temple. Man, I am surrounded by dead people.

Some tomb stonage. Notice how fresh the flowers are. Japanese cemeteries smell really nice too. I love the smell of the incense they use.

the back ally path to the cemetery behind my apartment(I always use this one). If you look carefully, you can see that it is carpeted! It's like the Oscars for dead folk!

Below is a super nice example of a Bonzai tree. I would not feel right being in Japan and not letting you all see one. Think Karate kid and Mr. Miyage. It may make you appreciate it more!?


Brianna said...

Hey, Amie! Here's a reply to your comment on my blog:
Well, I kind of snuck my camera out here and there to get the photos, because usually they don't let you take photos. I just made sure there were no workers around...
I believe the sweets festival is going until the 28th or the 29th.
And I'll have to try the Sakura Mist!
And, if you want to kill some time in Fujieda, you're welcome to come out for a visit!

Bernhard Schneider said...

Hey Amie couldn't you lighten the cementery-photos up a little bit? Or send them to me and I'll do it for you!