Saturday, January 24, 2009

More Food Porn....I love it!

To your left is:

Daikon with citrus and pan seared fish liver
Below is a a platter of Fugu (blow fish) skin in a spicy aspic, swordfish with some boiled fish inside, some sea critter in a shell (quite bitter...and it very phallic looking once out of the shell) fish row, abalone, and Maguro tuna with a quail egg, lotus flower, and some type of seaweed.

This here photo is Chawan Mushi. I like it. It's a egg custard. This particular one had shrimp crab, mushrooms, and brown stuff...? Looks like a blob of poop. Wakkata. Dakara oishiikata. Oh, can't forget the Shiso leaf.

I would never find an Izakaya like this on my own. The thanks for this particular fascinating culinary experience go to my Shimizu mom Keioko. This is her favorite place and it is run by the parents of one of her old students from when she taught in elementary school. The kid is older than me now! Sorry, I keep on forgetting to take pictures of people.....oops. I guess we know my priorities! I did take pictures of Keiko's cat Shu-chan.

I have a handful of buddies here now. I'll call them friends when we do something besides go for drinks.

I am tired this weeked, work was nuts and I had a friend from Toyohashi AEON come to vist and we were up purdy darn late. Then the next day I went to the Izakaya featured in said photos. So, I am going to do some yoga and veg. It will be the first time.

I still want an animal bad......My last fish died last week. It was adding insult to injury. The week already sucked without something dying.

So, Golden you can pester Pond up in fishy heaven.


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